Our Research

The translational research effort – from the laboratory to the patient’s head – focuses its first line of research on the genetic basis of glaucoma in order to personalize and individualize treatments based on diagnostic and therapeutic biomarkers.

The second line of research seeks to deepen the knowledge of the ocular surface and its response to diseases that affect it, in order to be able to provide solutions for dry eye, eye pain or trophic problems of the cornea, as well as to optimize their prevention.

The third line of research seeks to determine the molecular basis of neurodegenerative diseases of the retina, which have cell death in common and are associated with complaints such as glaucoma or age-related macular degeneration, in order to provide more effective treatments for one of the most frequent causes of blindness in old age.


There is also a fourth line of research: Clinical Research, which has two units dedicated to the study of the anterior segment and retina. These are co-ordinated by Fernández-Vega and directed by Dr. José F. Alfonso and Álvaro Fernández-Vega.

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