Enol Artime

  • Graduado Superior, Clinical Diagnosis Laboratory Science, 2011, from “I.E.S Isla de la Deva”.
  • Joined Fundación de Investigación Oftalmológica in 2011, after the conclusion of his company internships at the vivarium of Universidad de Oviedo.
  • Currently serving in his position as Lab Technician and is in charge of the Animal facilities at Fundación de Investigación Oftalmológica.
  • Has carried out courses in animal experimentation categories A and B, these taking place at the vivarium, Bioterio de la Universidad de Oviedo and Animalaria.
  • Has participated in the drafting of several articles published in research journals such as Pain, IOVS o Metallomics.
  • Has contributed to several scientific reports that have been sent to conferences such as the Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Neurociencia or ARVO.
  • Has sat in as invited professor in the course “Sesiones Bibliográficas” belonging to the Continued Training Program in Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences within the Post-graduate studies of Universidad de Oviedo, with the class: “Animal Models in Ocular Research”.
  • Is a member of the Spanish Association of Lab technicians (AETEL) since 2011.

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