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Sara María Rodríguez Menéndez

  • Degree in Chemistry from the University of Oviedo.
  • Master’s degree in Analytical and Bioanalytical Sciences at Departamento de Química-Física y Analítica, Universidad de Oviedo.
  • Pre-doctoral researcher at Instituto Universitario Fernández-Vega / Universidad de Oviedo, working on her Doctoral Thesis, with the title “Development of methodologies based on LA-ICP-MS and HPLC-ICP-MS for the study of redox Zn-Metallothioneine as a target in the treatment of Age-related Macular Degeneration”, under the supervision of Doctors Héctor González Iglesias of Fundación de Investigación Oftalmológica (FIO) and Beatriz Fernández García of Universidad de Oviedo.